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Lexicon / glossary

In FrenchIn the APIDescription
Marque(s)Brand(s)The Radio France group comprises 7 brands, which are themselves composed of main branches, local branches, and webradios: France Inter, France Bleu, France Info, France Musique, France Culture, Mouv, and FIP
Antenne ou station principaleBrandInformation concerning the main station can be found in the description of the Brand's purpose (e.g.: for the FIP brand, information is displayed for the Parisian FIP station)
Antennes ou stations localeslocalStation(s)The France Bleu network comprises 44 regional stations. FIP has 3.
Grille des programmesGridA station's program grid provides the schedules of emissions, regular features, or tracks played on a given date.
Intervalle de tempsStepThe program grid is comprised of "time zones" (start and end dates); each "time zone" can reference a diffusion (a show broadcast on a given date), a track played on air, a regular feature from a show, a jingle... A time zone (Step) can itself be broken down into sub- time zones (a "children" grid in the API composed of Steps)
EmissionShowA radio show, usually broadcast for one or more seasons on a given station (e.g.: Boomerang on France Inter)
DiffusionDiffusionA radio show broadcast on a given date (e.g. Boomerang on France Inter on May 29, 2018). A diffusion (Diffusion) is referenced by a time zone (Step) in the program Grid.
ChroniqueDiffusionA diffusion can be comprised of several "children" regular features (Diffusions referenced by childrenSteps).
Jingle ou PublicitéBlankStepThere are certain moments in the Program Grid when neither a Diffusion nor a piece of music (Track) is broadcast, but rather a jingle, an ad, a news flash, or a news report... These are referenced as BlankStep in the API.
Morceau de musiqueTrackDepending on the station, tracks are played more or less frequently.
URL de streamliveStreamThe URL that allows a given station to be listened to by streaming.
PodcastsPodcastAn object that describes a podcast episode (sound file url, creation date, duration)
TaxonomieTaxonomyAn object that describes a label attached to a content (diffusion or show). This label always has a type, a title, and a description (standFirst)
PersonnalitéPersonnalityA natural or legal person