Marque(s) | Brand(s) | The Radio France group comprises 7 brands, which are themselves composed of main branches, local branches, and webradios: France Inter, France Bleu, France Info, France Musique, France Culture, Mouv, and FIP |
Antenne ou station principale | Brand | Information concerning the main station can be found in the description of the Brand's purpose (e.g.: for the FIP brand, information is displayed for the Parisian FIP station) |
Antennes ou stations locales | localStation(s) | The France Bleu network comprises 44 regional stations. FIP has 3. |
Grille des programmes | Grid | A station's program grid provides the schedules of emissions, regular features, or tracks played on a given date. |
Intervalle de temps | Step | The program grid is comprised of "time zones" (start and end dates); each "time zone" can reference a diffusion (a show broadcast on a given date), a track played on air, a regular feature from a show, a jingle... A time zone (Step) can itself be broken down into sub- time zones (a "children" grid in the API composed of Steps) |
Emission | Show | A radio show, usually broadcast for one or more seasons on a given station (e.g.: Boomerang on France Inter) |
Diffusion | Diffusion | A radio show broadcast on a given date (e.g. Boomerang on France Inter on May 29, 2018). A diffusion (Diffusion) is referenced by a time zone (Step) in the program Grid. |
Chronique | Diffusion | A diffusion can be comprised of several "children" regular features (Diffusions referenced by childrenSteps). |
Jingle ou Publicité | BlankStep | There are certain moments in the Program Grid when neither a Diffusion nor a piece of music (Track) is broadcast, but rather a jingle, an ad, a news flash, or a news report... These are referenced as BlankStep in the API. |
Morceau de musique | Track | Depending on the station, tracks are played more or less frequently. |
URL de stream | liveStream | The URL that allows a given station to be listened to by streaming. |
Podcasts | Podcast | An object that describes a podcast episode (sound file url, creation date, duration) |
Taxonomie | Taxonomy | An object that describes a label attached to a content (diffusion or show). This label always has a type, a title, and a description (standFirst) |
Personnalité | Personnality | A natural or legal person |